Protect the Vulnerable Populations Particularly women children at risk of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse(SEA), Neglect and Gender Based Violence(GBV).
The HIJRA programming in protection targets vulnerable communities(IDPs, Refugees, Returnees Asylum seekers, women and girls, children(separated, unaccompanied minors, those at risk of abuse, exploitation, and neglect , Sexual and Gender Based Violence) as well as the elderly, and adults living with disabilities and acute sickness. In Uganda HIJRA is an operating partner of the UNHCR in a Protection programme being implemented in Nakivale and Oruchinga refugee settlements. The
programme activities focuses on case management, provision of Psycho-social support, support to child mothers through back-to-school campaigns, livelihood skills capacity building (soap making, backyard gardening and),participation in village savings and loan associations(VSLAS), menstrual hygiene management in schools.