Increasing access to safe drinking water and improving sanitation and hygiene

Our main objective in WASH is to increase access to safe water and improve Sanitation and Hygiene for the most vulnerable while building the capacity of the communities to manage WASH interventions at the local level. Over the years, the HIJRA WASH programmes in Somalia and Uganda directly benefited at least 425,000 people; that comprised of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) as well as vulnerable host community members within the program site location. Our WASH programming in South Central Somalia involved the provision of clean safe water and the improvement of Sanitation and Hygiene for IDPs and the Host communities.
The WASH programme in Uganda involved the provision of safe and dignified communal and household latrines and the improvement of basic sanitation and hygiene practices through the community awareness creation and provision of sanitation improvement materials in the Kyangwali refugee settlement. Current WASH programming focuses on enhancing Sanitation and Hygiene in Nakivale and Oruchinga refugee settlements.